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  • Krista Klavina

Project BioCHAMP - preparing the way forward

The first phase of the BioCHAMP pilot project was completed in January 2021. The project has been a very informative and exciting process where we clarified important aspects around the key components of our microCHP system. We would like to thank our partners from SINTEF and Lund University for all assistance and support. We also thank the Research Council and Troms and Finnmark County Municipality for financial support that gave us the opportunity to carry out this project.

We are now eager to start the second phase of the BioCHAMP pilot project and looking forward to further cooperation with our established contacts.

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Mailing address:

Tyttebærvegen 4

9024 Tomasjord

Organization number:

923 825 983

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© 2021 Sirevaag Biokraftvarme AS

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